Stephen Covey’s book: 7 habits of highly effective people
“Control = Awareness + Choice”
“Ever so frequently, when I sit to introspect, I try to identify which of these two circles is the focus of most of my time and energy at that point in time. “
Stephen Covey, in his book ‘Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People’, has written about the habits and thinking of people who are highly successful. He has written about what these people do in times of challenges. These habits are known to produce great results and happiness too.
The book speaks about three common areas in a person’s life:
>>The Area of Control,
>> The Area of Influence
>> The Area of Concern/No Control
These areas are denoted with three colors Indigo, Purple and Yellow.
The theory explains that we need to check if we are focusing on the indigo circle of our lives, that is, those things we have zero control over; If yes, then we require to shift focus on the purple, which stands for taking responsibility for yourself and of our actions because that is in our control. Our thoughts are in our control and so are our actions. The indigo might bother us again and again, and in that case choose the yellow Circle to improve your effectiveness and slowly move your focus to the purple that is to do the best you can, that which is in your control!
Ever so frequently, when I sit to introspect, I try to identify which of these two circles is the focus of most of my time and energy at that point in time.
As the next step, I review my degree of Proactivity.
When I am being Proactive, my efforts are focused on the circle of Influence i.e the yellow circle.
This is the phase when the energy is positive and magnifying!
There are other times when I am in the Reactive space and my focus is on the Circle of Concern. I tend to be more focused on the weakness of others & circumstances over which there can never be enough control. This negative energy causes the Circle of Influence to Shrink!
Sit with yourself, alone and practise any forms of meditation to introspect;
You will benefit greatly by using that power to change the way you think.
Empower yourself using the time you have at hand, be in the company of people who focus more on their purple circle,
Exercise well, eat well, rest well, sleep well and focus on your spiritual growth. The more you focus on your yellow circle the more you will grow.